We provide a full spectrum of hearing care services directly to elder care facilities and home bound elders. Routine ear exams, care of hearing aids and minor repairs form the base of our services. Additionally, we create a customized hearing care management protocol for each facility combined with a robust educational program. We also provide hearing tests with hearing aid dispensing and fitting.
Our solution is unique, because it is completely mobile. We come to clients where they live. Multiple factors come into play making it difficult for elders to go out for health care services. Hearing care is one allied health service that is currently not offered on a routine and comprehensive basis in elder care facilities. Hear Now: Mobile Hearing Solutions changes that.
Routine care of hearing aids and programming adjustments
Bi-weekly or monthly visits, minor repairs, ear examinations, HIPAA compliant record keeping
Hearing tests, hearing aid prescriptions and delivery
Assistance with amplifiers, captioned/amplified phones, hearing aid bank
Hearing tests at no additional cost for subscribing communities
Medicaid certified
Supported hearing aid vendors:
Starkey, Phonak, Unitron, Siemans
Widex, Resound, Oticon, Rexton
Education for residents, families and staff
Communication and use of hearing aids
Hearing rehabilitation classes/groups
Staff training for groups or individuals
Hearing aid management protocol
Customized to the size of your facility
Increase quality of life and decrease loss of hearing aids